Lexi & Matt’s Sunny Lake George E-Session // Inn at Erlowest & The Miss Erlowest // Lake George, NY

Is there a better way to celebrate your engagement than a warm evening cruise on Lake George in a 38 foot Hacker Craft called the Miss Erlowest? Methinks not.  What an absolutely perfect night we had for Lexi and Matt’s E-Session!

We hopped from the boat, to the grounds of The Inn at Erlowest. We timed it just right because we even snuck in an appearance by the Mohican and some really cool late day light. Such a great evening with these two. I can’t wait to document their big day in just a couple months at Stonebridge Farm!

Here’s to Lexi & Matt ❤


Kevy & Jim’s Adirondack Sunset E-Session // Takundewide Cottages // Lake George, NY

Kevy & Jim’s engagement session took place on a brisk and breezy October day at Takundewide Cottages in Lake George. At one point I thought we may lose them to exposure, but they champed it out in the name of love and Lake George.

Takundewide is a micro-community within a micro-community. Nestled on Cleverdale, a point on the east side of Lake George (hello, that’s where the Sans Souci is), it is a family-run collection of summer cottages that people rent or own. There’s a beach, tennis courts, docks (to play sponge tag on), sun decks (to jump off of), and all kinds of boats. It is a tiny little summer oasis that is perfect for families and kids.

I have known Kevy for most of her life. In fact, I even babysat her in the very beginning!  She has always been a fun little ball of energy, very athletic, always laughing, with a million dollar smile. Kevy’s family has a long history at Takundewide and has spent almost every summer of her life there (hint, hint; I did too, this is where our families met). When she called me after Jim asked her to marry him on top of a mountain to set up an E-Session, I didn’t even have to ask where she wanted to do it. I knew it would be Takundewide. What better place to kick off her next big adventure; marrying Jim! Jim is a sweet quiet guy with a passion for the saving the environment, solar energy and of course, beer. He even was a large part of developing and brewing a couple of signature beers in partnership with Northway Brewing, for his family’s beverage business. When I asked him to bring some of his first signature brew (4 Chords) to the session, he came through, and I’m so glad he did. You will see why below.

Despite the cold & the wind, Kevy and Jim’s energy and love was infectious. You could really feel that intangible “something” in the air that makes them work. Such a joy to be around.

Let’s get to the good stuff, shall we?

Cheers to Kevy & Jim on your engagement!


Samantha & Peter’s Summer Track Engagement Session // Saratoga Racetrack // Saratoga Springs, NY

7am comes early, but there’s a payoff when it’s paired with a warm summer morning  with perfect light at Saratoga Racetrack. Samantha and Peter love spending time at the track  in the summer and it meant so much to be able to do their engagement photo’s somewhere that brings so much joy to them. After our first session had to be rescheduled because of rain, we lucked out with some beautiful mid-summer morning sun. Check out Peter and Samantha’s session below. I can’t wait to photograph their wedding next year at The National Museum of Dance!




Alyssa & Adam’s Breezy Saratoga Lake E-session // Saratoga Lake, NY

It’s true that some couples just put you in a good mood just by being around them. Their energy is infectious. Alyssa and Adam are exactly that couple. I left our beautifully breezy (and fun!) engagement session happier than I came, stomach ache from laughing, refreshed despite just working a full day and excited to get to be a part of their wedding in September!

These two are adorable and have an ease with each other (and themselves) that I don’t often see. That, my friends, is a true joy for me to document. There was even a moment where Adam had some pebbles stuck in his shoe and Alyssa’s immediate reaction when he started fumbling to get them out, said everything you need to know about their relationship (scroll through to see what I mean).

I got to photograph the Mr. & Mrs -to-be at a private residence on Saratoga Lake, a gorgeous spot with majestic old trees, and a perfect view of the lake.  I can’t wait to go back to that exact place again in September and photograph their big day. Thanks for all the laughs, Alyssa & Adam! And thank you for letting me a part of their incredibly precious time in your lives.

Prepare yourself. You are about to smile so hard it hurts, starting now. Enjoy!

Luke & Jamie’s Beachy Adirondack E-Session // Moreau State Park // Moreau, NY

Luke & Jamie took a little trip from NYC, where Luke is an up and coming music producer and Jamie works in the fashion industry, to hang with me for an afternoon. Let me just say, it is impossible not to laugh around these two. It is truly infectious. So most of this session was spent doubled over cracking up, or someone (me) yelling that they were going to to pee their pants. So suffice it to say, we had a blast and a half. The weather was beautiful and seemed to be granting wishes as I made them. A breeze here, a little sun there. Perfection!

During the session in between belly laughs, Luke said , ” I love when she laughs. That’s what I love so much about her, she has the best laugh. I can’t not laugh when she laughs.”

If that is not the perfect quote to sum up this session, and this couple, then I don’t know what is. Congrats to one of my favorite couples, in the history of life. I cannot wait for this wedding!


Kayte & Corey’s Yaddo E-Session // Yaddo Gardens – Saratoga Springs, NY

Oh, man. Time flies when you’re planning a wedding! It’s easy to lose track of whats been done and what hasn’t. Luckily we realized that Kayte and Corey had been so busy planning their day that they hadn’t had a chance to do their E-Session yet. With their big day fast approaching( a mere 6 weeks away!), we found some free time, and a little luck, and turned that into a gorgeous summer evening session at Yaddo. Thankfully, we had perfect weather, only a few mosquitos, and lots of love. I just can’t wait to be a part of Kayte and Corey’s big day at the Altamont Winery in September!
